Employability Skills Development


ITnurtureDen Provides complete set of Employability Skills trainings to Graduating student and end to end soft skills ,HR solutions training and employee empowerment, transform to success trainings to corporates.
For campus recruitment trainings our objective is to transform talented engineers/Graduates into industry-ready professionals we propose following different soft skills and IT role -based training programs for finishing school students

IT Role -based Program for Finishing School

Why IT Role -based Programs?

Latest news reports say only 20% engineers are employable rest lack some or other important skills.
Out of over 1.2 lack candidates 91.82% lack IT skills (Business Chronicle reports)
Let’s face challenge and join role-based program with ITnurtureDen to be employable

Program Benefits

Intend to develop different IT skills, which will enable student to be eligible for different roles in IT Industry
IT role -based trainings along with basic Aptitude,  & soft skills would help to capture place in Industry without hitch.

Soft skills training programs

Why Soft skills for IT professionals?

Only meager 20% of engineers are employable & 73.6% lack English speaking skills

Communication skills.

The point to be noted here is the ‘skills’. Many people speak yet we do not speak ‘effectively’.There are others who think being technically sound eliminates all other inadequacies and they don’t need to communicate so much! In effect communication in any form, be it attending an interview,putting up a proposal,organizing a meeting to attending a technical presentation requires Effective enunciation, appropriate vocabulary, correct intonation, stress and Voice modulation and an individual style

Program Benefits

Our Soft Skills trainings are intended for making the students/ Teachers proficient in Communication and other Soft Skills to make them industry-ready which would enable them to face the various professional challenges with confidence and proficiency.